Anders Fréden is the national secretary of IAESTE Sweden
overall responsible for operations and administration throughout the country.
The national office is located at Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg
E-mail: iaestesweden@chalmers.se
Phone: 031-772 23 56
Plusgiro: 5 33 95-0
Organization number:
Visit and postal address:
Chalmers university of technology
Sven Hultins gata 8, floor 3
412 58 Gothenburg
Do you have any feedback or complaints? Welcome to contact the IAESTE ombudsman: https://iaeste.org/feedback-and-complaints
The chairmen of our five local student committees ensure that everything goes smoothly with the recruitment of students and, together with their local committees, market our places abroad. In addition, the committees work to receive foreign trainees to each city and arrange a lot of fun activities.
Contact the Chairman for local issues!
The national team works to keep together all the work that the local committees do and has an overall role. It is never wrong to contact the coordinates, they can always either reply or forward you!
The national team can be reached at